Visual artists Evita Galanou & Thomas Wollenberger, founders of PLAYANDVISION, invited by composer and musician Simon Ho to create videos for his concert “Klee in Brazil and Back”, propose a series of events that aim to make our cultural heritage part of our everyday lives.
All events will be exploring the possibilities of interaction between the public, the performers and the work of different artists, starting with Paul Klee who has massively influenced our work and thinking. We will be using an educational tool for coding called Scratch, by the MIT media Lab, to create games for our computers and mobile phones, an exhibition space, a stage for a concert. As of March 2021, community statistics on the Scratch official website show more than 73 million projects shared by over 68 million users and almost 38 million monthly website visits. link to wikipedia
Everyone among the young people knows the game "Angry Birds" but very few the artist Paul Klee and many others.
We are challenged by the idea to populate games with higher aesthetic, poetic, musical, social and educational values that draw their inspiration from artists works and spirit.
The process to get us to the final results is what we find even more exciting: An open call to kids and adults to take part in the creation of the project.
The public, visiting the exhibition space or the concert will be part of the celebration by interacting with the worlds created.
We would like to set up Playandvision to be the internet platform where games and fun meet art and poetry and our partners -Museums - Galleries - Schools can link to it.